
Partial port of v1.2 C-language code for estimating Sample Entropy using SampEn from PhysioNet to Python.

C-language code last updated 1 November 2004, by George Moody.

Original author Doug Lake.



$ pip install sampen

Via Git

Clone the repo:

$ git clone

This will create a new directory with the repo in it. Change into that directory and install:

$ cd sampen && python install


Unlike the original C code which loads time series data either from standard input or a file, this script expects the time series to be expressed in a list of floats. If the time series exists in a flat text file that can be loaded into Python and saved into a list::

from sampen import sampen2

# initialize a list
series_data = []

# open the file and read each line into the list
with open('relative/path/to/file.txt', 'r') as file:
    for row in file:
        series_data.append(float(row.strip(' \t\n\r')))

# calculate the sample entropy
sampen_of_series = sampen2(series_data)

The default maximum epoch length (m) is 2, the default tolerance (r) is 0.2.

The estimate of the conditional probability that the subseries of the epoch length that matches pointwise within the tolerance (that is, the Sample Entropy) will be the last item in the returned tuple.

The earlier items in the returned tuple will be the sample entropies for lengths 0 up to the maximum epoch.

Therefore, inspecting the returned data:

>>> sampen_of_series

Returns something like::

    (0, 2.140629540027156, 0.0028357991885715863)
    (1, 2.162868347337613, 0.004903248034526253),
        # Epoch length for max epoch
        # SampEn
        # Standard Deviation


  1. Fork the repository on GitHub
  2. Create a named feature branch (like feature/add_component_x)
  3. Write your change
  4. Write tests for your change (if applicable)
  5. Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
  6. Submit a Pull Request using GitHub

Running Tests

$ python test

With TOX

First, install Tox, then run the tests.

$ pip install tox
$ tox


Documentation is written in ReStructuredText and built with Sphinx.

  1. Install sphinx and sphinx-autobuild as necessary via pip
  2. Edit docs/index.rst
  3. Build the HTML with $ make html from within the docs directory

Tagging Releases

Update version and download_url in

Update the version and release in docs/conf.rst

Remake documentation

Pushing Releases to PyPi

Install wheel and twine as necessary via pip

Where XX is the version (e.g. 0.0.15)

python sdist
python bdist_wheel --universal
twine upload dist/sampen-XX* -r pypitest
twine upload dist/sampen-XX*